Code of Jewish Law / Kitzur Shulhan Arukh

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Ganzfried's goal in this handy digest of the Shulhan Arukh: Orah Hayim, Yoreh De'ah, Even Ha'ezer, and Hoshen Mishpat was to offer a reference work that everyone could consult as the need arose. It also served as a book of instruction to introduce students to the subject matter of Jewish law.
The book was accepted and acclaimed by many leading authorities of its time. The focus was practical halakhah and omitted laws and customs, which were widely known and needed no further description. He depended upon the writings of Ya'acov of Lissa, Shneur Zalman Schneerson of Liady and Abraham Danzig author of the Hayei Adam.
Although Ganzfried's work is abridged, he frequently commences its sections with brief non-halakhic introductions. These are adapted from writings such as Maimonides, Sefer Hayashar, Hayei Adam, and other works on ethical behavior (musar). For example, in the ''Laws of Hanukkah" (section 139), the text of Maimonides' Mishneh Torah provides historical background.
The greater part of the Kitzur Shulhan Arukh is concerned with almost all the themes found in Caro's Orah Hayim. Yet we also find many topics from the other three sections of the Shulhan Arukh. For example, from Yoreh De'ah he included such laws as charity, baking, salting, gentile cooking, relationships with gentiles, witchcraft, circumcision, education, forbidden foods, vows, parental honor, menstruation, the ritual bath, mourning, and agricultural issues (hadash, orlah, and kilayim). From Hoshen Mishpat he presented the laws of borrowing and lending, sabbatical loans (shmitat kesafim), thievery, damages--financial and bodily--borrowing and renting, lost and found items, cruelty to animals, and many other topics. From Even HaEzer he included the laws pertaining to marriage. But he selected only what was relevant to the lay Jew and omitted things relevant to Rabbinic judges.
(Reprinted with permission of The Continuum International Publishing Group from The Encyclopedia of Judaism)
Paperback - from Amzon 
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